If you are in the market to sell your Omaha, NE home, chances are you will have to go through the appraisal process *cue groans*. And while there are certain factors that are out of your control, such as square footage, layout and location, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that your home appraisal comes back at maximum value.
Before we jump into all the tips and tricks, we first wanted to make sure that our readers understand exactly what a home appraisal is. So, let’s begin at step one: a home appraisal is the process in which a certified appraiser comes to your home to perform an in-depth inspection in order to determine how much your property is really worth. Now please keep in mind the appraisal amount is not always equal to what the listing price will be set at, but it should provide an accurate understanding of the appraised value of the property.
Now for the fun part – ways to help increase your home appraisal:
-Our first tip for you is to fix - everything! You know those seemingly small home repairs that have been on your “to-do” list for ages, but you just haven’t gotten around to yet? The running toilet, the squeaky patio door, the dent on the wall from your kid’s skateboard accident – sound familiar? While these things may not seem like a big deal to you, they can be a red flag to the appraiser and potentially reduce the perceived overall condition of your abode.
-Cosmetic upgrades can go a long way in helping your home look fresher and newer. We aren’t saying splurge on a full-on remodel (because really, who wants to take on that job?!), but investing in areas such as new carpets, a new coat of paint, an updated bathroom vanity, etc. can actually go a long way!
-Staying on the last point, it doesn’t hurt to keep track of all the improvements/upgrades you did in a list to show the appraiser as they may not be familiar with homes in your area. This is a great opportunity to stand out and display any added value that your home provides. Additionally, if you can include any paperwork, like contractor invoices, that will help your case tremendously and provide weight to the claims you make.
-Arguably one of the most important areas of your property to keep in mind is the front of your home. Curb appeal is everything and as they say, you don’t have a second chance at a first impression. The appraiser’s initial judgement and assessment of your home will be as they walk up and it is a great opportunity to impress. Paint the front door, trim the weeds, plant colorful flowers, add a wreath and doormat – anything that you think will add some spice to the front of your home.
-Lastly, be sure to clean! We understand this may seem obvious, but a spotless house will most likely increase the chances of the appraiser viewing your home in good condition. So, whether you take a weekend to hit every nook and cranny or hire an in-home service, just make sure that things are squeaky clean for appraisal day!
Have you been wondering what your Omaha, NE home is worth? If so, be sure to check out our instant market valuation page here!