Why You Should Reconsider Selling Your Omaha, NE House On Your Own

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There is no denying that moving is stressful – the wrapping, the packing, the taping, the lifting, the lugging, the unboxing. Now add a global pandemic to the mix and your stress levels are sure to rise!
While it would be ideal to put off moving until conditions are a bit safer, not everyone has that luxury. That is why we have listed a few ways to help ensure a safe move during these trying and unprecedented times below for you to review. Let’s jump in!
-First thing’s first – before you move, double check that you are even allowed to during this time. While moving has been deemed as an ‘essential service,’ it is always a good idea to check your local and state governments (including HOA or condo board if applicable) before you schedule your big day.
-Make sure to thoroughly research your movers and inquire about their COVID-19 practices and policies. Some questions to consider asking include if the company provides virtual/digital estimates, are the trucks and movers prepared with sanitizer/gloves/masks, what is their cancellation/rescheduling policy, what is their protocol for ensuring employees aren’t sick, etc.
-While many people try to save money and resources by reusing other people’s moving boxes, this time you may want to opt for new cardboard boxes. It is also wise to skip on the movers packing your items and just doing it yourself as to limit the amount of outside contact with your belongings.
-Even though it may take longer to arrive at your new abode, you should try to arrange for car travel instead of flying. This will help to minimize your contact with germs and other potentially infected individuals.
-Be sure to purchase cleaning supplies for your family and movers to ensure hands and items are cleaned as frequently as possible. At minimum you should have hand sanitizers and/or disinfectant wipes available. You can never be too clean!
-Speaking of disinfecting, once you have arrived at your new home is it a good idea to wipe down all points of contact including doorknobs, cabinet handles, countertops, moving boxes, furniture, etc.
-Lastly, if you or a family member is feeling ill it is best to delay your move until you get the ‘all-clear’ from a health care provider. We understand this may throw a wrench in an already stressful situation, but it is essential to keep everyone’s health and safety as a priority - especially during this time.
Selling your home in Omaha, NE? Be sure to check out our 'Home Selling Tips' page here for more useful tips and tricks!
Due to the world’s current events, cleanliness is on everyone’s mind now more than ever. And while washing your hands is a great way to stay healthy you also want to make sure to keep your household surfaces clean and disinfected.
In a three-part series, we are going to be covering the best and most effective ways to deep clean the rooms of your Omaha, NE home. Let’s dive in!
*Before you actually get your hands dirty there are a few things you want to do to prepare. First, take a few minutes to clear away clutter on your floors, tabletops, countertops, etc. to ensure you are able to reach all the places you need to. Next, make a game plan. Take a few minutes and do a walk-through of your home to map out what rooms you will tackle when and which areas will need a little extra attention (i.e. bathrooms and kitchen). Lastly, take note of what products you will need and make sure you have everything prior to starting your cleaning journey. Trust us, you will thank us later when you don’t have to make a last-minute run to the store!
-Wipe down and disinfect countertops: Countertops are one of the most commonly used surfaces in your home and therefore can harbor endless amounts of germs. Before starting, remove ALL items off the surfaces and use disinfectant sprays and/or cleaning wipes to clean every part of your countertops – do not forget the corners and backsplashes. Don’t forget to wipe down appliances and other items as you place them back on the countertops.
-Disinfect the sink: Using bleach or a disinfectant, give your sink basin a good scrub. Especially if you cook raw meats in your home, your sink can be home to many germs and bacteria. You will also want to throw away old sponges as they are germ magnets!
-Cabinets: Use a damp rag to clean off dirt or dust that has accumulated on both the outside and inside of the doors, as well as inside the cabinets themselves – being sure not to forget the top of the cabinets! *Tip: Be sure to really ring out your rag and dry surfaces down immediately as to avoid the cabinets from swelling
-Refrigerator: Many people will want to clean around the food that is already in their fridge, but this is not the way to go when deep cleaning. Remove ALL the food from your refrigerator, throw out any food that is expired, and thoroughly disinfect the entire area. You may also want to remove the shelfing to ensure you can reach all the surfaces.
-Pantry: This is a great excuse to clean out and organize your pantry – we are sure it’s been on your to-do list for a while! First, start by taking everything out of your pantry. We mean everything! Wipe down every inch of the shelving, paying close attention to the crumbs that have accumulated in the back. Next, go through your food and throw away anything that is expired to ensure you are not keeping old food you won’t be able to use. Then start to put things back by category so they are easy to find. For example, put all the baking goods together, canned vegetables together, etc.
-Microwave: The microwave just may be the easiest task in the entire kitchen – don’t let the splattered spaghetti sauce fool you! By simply mixing a cup of water with a tablespoon of vinegar and microwaving it for five minutes you will make the surface easier to wipe down.
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With the holiday season in full swing, many Omaha, NE families will be packing up and heading out of town to visit loved ones near and far. Whether you are on holiday for a week or just taking a day trip out of town, you want to ensure that your home is not a target for holiday thieves.
Below we have listed a few tips and tricks for you to review that will help keep your home safe and secure:
-Our first tip for you is to review all entry ways prior to leaving your home. There is no easier way for a burglar to enter your home than through an unlocked window or door. Additionally, you should look into updating old locks and window frames that could be jiggled open.
-On that same note, be sure to close all blinds and/or shades to keep peeping eyes from looking in while you are gone. Depending on how long you are gone for, you may want to consider leaving a television or set of lights on to make it look like someone is home.
-Installing motion sensor lighting around the exterior of your home, especially at the entrances and near the driveway, is a great way to deter robbers from getting too close to your home.
-Get to know your neighbors, as they can be a useful extra set of eyes on your property while you are away and notify you (or the authorities) if something looks suspicious.
-Be sure to lock your garage door and think about disconnecting the automatic opener if you will be away long.
-Take in the spare key that you have hidden around the exterior of your home, as that is an easy and obvious way for robbers to enter your home.
-Don’t keep any valuables in plain sight. Tuck your jewelry in the closet and put all important documents in the bank.
Now that we have covered some safety tips, we wanted to take a quick moment and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
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If you are thinking of installing a fence around your yard, or replacing an existing fence, then you are in the right place. Today we are going to be talking about the pros and cons surrounding this topic, and hopefully at the end you will have a better feel if this decision is right for you and your family. Whether it be wood, vinyl or wrought iron, a fence is a major part of the functionality and aesthetic of your property and can be a large and expensive project to take on. But there are also many perks that come with installing one in your yard, which we know to be true as there are many beautiful fenced properties around Omaha, NE. Let’s dive right in!
Pros to fencing your yard:
-One upside to fencing your yard is privacy, as it will reduce any outside disturbances to you and your family. Additionally, it will limit the amount of noise transfer from your home to your neighbors during outdoor parties or while making memories in the backyard.
-On that same note, if you live near a busy street you can try installing an eight-foot-high solid fence to reduce the noise from the area. If using the right product, you can potentially reduce noise by up to five percent depending on the elevation, height of the fence and noise frequencies.
-Having a fence around your property is a great way to not only keep people and unwanted wandering critters out, but also keep your kids and pets in. Win-win!
-From a design standpoint, a fence that is well built and constructed can definitely add to your home’s curb appeal and overall aesthetic. A well-known example of this would be a white picket fence, as it is able to add a charming look to the home and define property boundaries at the same time.
Cons to fencing your yard:
-The most obvious con to building a fence in your yard is cost. Whether you are thinking of fencing your whole property, or just part, it will not be a cheap project. As you could image, the price can vary depending on things such as labor, materials, length, etc., but to give you an idea a wooden privacy fence averages about $17 to $23 per linear foot. You can do the math on that!
-Second, if you are thinking of fencing your yard you have to take into account the maintenance of the fence itself, as they can begin deteriorating over time. This is especially true with wood fences which can begin to warp and rot over time. To avoid this, make sure to pencil in the occasional sealing, cleaning, staining and/or painting on your to-do list!
It’s official – you have finally found, closed on and moved into the home of your dreams in Omaha, NE. We think a congratulations are in order as that is no small feat! But once the celebratory Champaign bubbles have fizzled out and all the boxes have been put away, it is now time to ensure that a few things are in order in your new abode. Below we have listed a couple items for you to tackle in the areas of security, home documents, emergency planning and maintenance to not only help keep you organized, but also avoid any costly home repairs down the road.
Home safety and security:
First thing’s first! When it comes to home safety for you and your family, this is something you want to jump on right away:
-Before anything else, make sure to change the locks on the home. You never know who had a spare key and could let themselves into your house at any point.
-On that same note, you want to reset any codes that allow access into the house/property, such as gates, garage doors, etc.
-It is always a good idea to have a fire extinguisher near the kitchen in the event of an emergency/fire.
-Set aside some time to test carbon monoxide and fire detectors to ensure they are working properly.
-In all exterior lights, make sure that all bulbs are working and replace any that need to be fixed.
-Lastly, be sure to hide extra sets of keys in a lockbox out of sight. Robbers have gotten cleaver and know to check under flower pots!
Important home documents:
There are a few important documents that you may want to keep handy in case an unexpected dispute arises, or you need to reference information:
-Insurance documents
-Final closing documents
-Contact information for lender
-Inspection report
Emergency planning:
The least ideal time to plan for an emergency is while it is happening. Here are a few things to keep in mind and plan for:
-Be sure to familiarize yourself with the circuit box, as well as label the circuit breakers.
-If you have gas, make sure to know where the gas shut-off valve is in case of an emergency.
-Find where the main water shut-off value is in the event of a broken pipe.
-For quick reference, make a list of emergency contacts such as your insurance agent, utility companies, electrician and plumber, and make it easily accessible to everyone in the home.
As a homeowner, you now are responsible for all maintenance of your property (we know, *sigh..*) To make it a bit easier for you, we have created some bullets below for you to reference. It may be beneficial for you to set calendar events, so you don’t miss these basic maintenance tasks:
-Schedule HVAC maintenance in the spring and fall, as well as change the filters at least once a season.
-Check on and clean out those gutters at least once a year.
-Clean out the dryer vent and hose at least once yearly to avoid fires.
-Once a year, drain your water heater.
-If your refrigerator was not purchased recently, be sure to clean the coils at least once a year.
With spring coming to an end, we are quickly approaching the time of year where many families head out for their long-awaited summer vacations. Whether you are jet setting to a foreign country, packing the car for a road trip or relaxing in the sun on a tropical getaway, you want to enjoy your vacation with the peace of mind knowing your home is safe and secure back in Omaha, NE. And that is where we come in! We have packed this blog post with tips and tricks to help make your house burglar-proof, so you can return home relaxed, refreshed and a little sun-kissed.
-The first tip we have for you is to install an alarm system in your home, as they serve as an effective deterrent to burglars. You want to be sure to find a system that has both audible and visual warnings and links back to a reputable monitoring company.
-Our second tip is to install external sensor lights that will turn on when someone enters your property, as burglars tend to avoid areas that are well-lit. On a similar note, you also may want to leave a few lights on in the house to trick intruders into thinking someone is home.
-Next, you may want to consider installing a CCTV system to have 24/7 monitoring of your property. This system will also come in handy in the unfortunate situation that you need video evidence to catch intruders while you are away.
-The fourth tip is to secure all valuable items in a safe (preferably a fire-proof safe) while you are vacationing. These items may include jewelry, cash, spare car keys and important documents such as birth certificates, life insurance policies, stock certificates and passports.
-If you are planning on being away for a while and have a free-standing mailbox in front of your home, you may want to find a friend or family member who can come clear it out a few times a week. A full mailbox can give the impression to burglars that you are not home, thus putting a target on your property.
-Our last tip for you is to get to know your neighbors if you don’t already. They can be a great asset to you while you are gone by keeping a close eye on your house and giving you updates during your trip.
Since January is National Radon Action Month, we wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to this topic. Our hope is to educate you on ways to keep you and your loved ones safe from this serious health risk that, sadly, is responsible for more than 20,000 American deaths each year. What is radon you ask? Well that is a great place to start! Radon, which seeps up from the ground and dissolves into the air, is an odorless, tasteless and invisible gas that can prove to be very harmful when exposed to large quantities. As one of the leading causes of lung cancer deaths in America amongst nonsmokers, it is important to be educated on the ways to detect radon and fully understand the steps you can take to ensure the safety of your home from this harmful substance. We have listed a few actions for you to take below, and hope you take a few minutes to review this crucial information.
-The first (and most obvious) action you can take is to test your home. The U.S. Surgeon General, as well as the EPA, have advised that all homes in the United State be tested for radon, and luckily the testing is relatively simple and reasonably priced. Here is a link to obtain your test kit and learn more about the testing process in your home.
-Second, if you are in the market to purchase a home, make sure you are buying a radon-resistant home by finding builders who use radon-resistant new construction.
-Third, stay up to date on local radon events happening around your community. Especially in the month of January when the topic is at the forefront of many discussions, it will be much easier to find events to attend in the coming weeks/days.
-The forth step is to spread the word! As we stated above, we can’t smell, see or taste radon, which presents a large challenge because a normal person cannot detect the substance without testing for it. Spread the message to your family, friends and neighbors and let them know not only about the harmful effects of radon, but also the steps in which they can protect themselves and their loved ones.
If you are a fan of pumpkin carving, costume stores and everything spooky, then we bet you are excited that Halloween is just a few days away! And while you may be daydreaming about your get-up and enjoying the thought of all the little trick-or-treaters that will soon be knocking on your door, you also should stop to think about some safety precautions to take to ensure everyone has a fun and safe holiday. And lucky for you we have you covered on that front. If you are interested in a few safety tips for your home this Halloween, then keep reading below!
Our first tip for you this Halloween is to make sure that the front of your home is well lit. While it may seem more haunting and spooky to keep your home dark, the dramatic effect is not worth someone potentially tripping or falling from not being able to see clearly. You are also more likely to ward off intruders and any criminal activity if your home is well lit at night. Next, you want to be sure to clear walking paths of any debris such as leaves, tangled roots and displaced branches. Many young and eager trick-or-treaters will do anything and everything they can to collect their sweet treats in a flash, so be sure to have a clear path for them to jog, run and skip to your front door.
While you may be tempted to dress your pet up in a festive costume and have them be a helping paw to hand out candy, it is best to keep them indoors and away from all commotion. No matter how well behaved Winston may be, pets can have anxiety with all the noise, strangers and masks that come with the holiday. Lastly, you should always be aware and attentive to fire safety. We know how much fun you had carving your pumpkins and just how much a candle brings the creation to life. But an open flame can be dangerous, especially if a dinosaur accidentally knocks over the lit pumpkin with its tale. So instead, maybe think about a flameless candle as an alternative to keep everyone safe and away from open flames this Halloween.
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