Real Estate Information Archive


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If you are currently selling your home or thinking of listing it in the near future, you don’t want to miss today’s blog post! We are going to be discussing common mistakes to avoid when it comes to pricing your home to sell: 

-The first mistake you want to avoid is pricing your home too high from the very beginning. We understand how sentimental your home can be and why you think it should sell for top dollar. But making the mistake of pricing it too high can cause it to sit on the market for a while before the right buyer will finally make their way to a showing or you finally decide to lower the price. Either way, making sure to accurately set the price right when the listing hits the market is a great way to help ensure the home will sell closer to the asking price. 

-Another mistake you want to avoid is not basing your price on similar comps in the area that have already sold. Take some of the guess work out of it and do research to see where your home holds up among the other inventory that has already been purchased. Just because you can list a home for any amount does not necessary mean it is going to sell for that! Do yourself a favor and look at the data.

-Our third piece of advice is to avoid using a strange/odd listing price. Instead of using something like $387,921, you want to be sure to use round numbers and see that your price falls in line with search windows that agents will use such as “$150,000 to $275,000.”

-Lastly, don’t be the person who refuses to negotiate! The price you list your home for should have some built in flexibility to ensure that you have room to negotiate with buyers who are motivated and qualified. 


Click here to find out how much your Omaha, NE home is worth! 

Tips And Tricks For Selling Your Omaha, NE Home With Kids

by Nancy Heim-berg

As if the home selling process wasn’t stressful enough, adding kids into the mixture can be a surefire way to send you over the top. Between the endless packing, cardboards boxes in every corner and last minute showings – oh, and let’s not forget piles of homework, school plays and kid sporting events – you may begin to question why you even put the ‘For Sale’ sign up in the first place. We get it, and we are here to help! Below we have listed a few tips and tricks to help you and your family not only survive the move and sale of your home but thrive during the whole process! 

-Our first piece of advice when it comes to moving with children is to sit down with them, prior to the sale sign appearing on your lawn, and let them know what is going on. It is so important for them to understand not only why you are moving, but what the process will look like. It will also ease any anxiety they may have around the move and allow them to feel like they are part of the process.

-Our next bit of information is around décor – kid décor to be more specific. While there is a chance that the next people to purchase your home will also have children, there is also a chance that your abode will appeal to couples who either don’t have kids or have kids that no longer live with them. Either way, you want to make sure that your home appeals to all buyers, and thus is important to ensure that the aesthetic is pretty neutral, so potential buyers don’t feel overwhelmed by kid ‘stuff’ in every corner and on every wall.

-Playing off our last point, decluttering your home from kid items not only is a great way to appeal to a range of buyers, but it is also a great opportunity to get rid of items that no longer serve your family. Old toys, sports equipment and random items that were once adored by your children may now better serve another family and are better off in the donation pile. For any left-over toys that you want to keep but not display in your home while it is on the market, you may want to look into renting a storage unit until your new home is ready to settle into. 

-If you have ever sold a home before, you may understand how last minute showings can be. These appointments, while potentially inconvenient, are a way for buyers to get a feel for your home and if they can see themselves moving in. You may want to have a list of things you can do with your kids in the event that a last-minute showing pops up so you are not scrambling to kill time. Locations such as local playgrounds and or/movie theatres are great ways to pass the time during the showing. 

-Lastly, clean, clean then clean some more! We sometimes don’t realize just how messy our home can become, especially with children, so doing daily/weekly cleanings and monthly deep cleanings ensure that your home is putting its best foot forward for potential buyers. 


Searching for which school district your dream home in Omaha, NE falls in? Check out all the districts here

Breaking Down Home Inspections In Omaha, NE

by Nancy Heim-berg

The home inspection is a crucial part of the buying process. If you have ever brought or sold a house, then you are probably well versed in what a home inspection is and how/why they are conducted. On the other hand, if you are a first-time home buyer, this may be your first time hearing the phrase. And that is where we come in! Whether you are a real estate aficionado and just need a refresher, or you are a newbie trying to understand the lingo, today’s blog post is going to break down everything you need to know about the home inspection process. 

What is a home inspection? As mentioned above, the home inspection is a crucial part of the home buying process and is designed to protect the buyer in the sale. To put it simply, a home inspection is a ‘non-invasive’ examination of the property where a licensed home inspector will review the house for mechanical, structural and/or electrical defects. This will give the buyer a more comprehensive overview of the home, which helps to ensure there are minimal surprises when they take control of the property. 

When does a home inspection usually take place? Typically, the home inspection will be conducted a short time after the seller accepts the offer from the buyer. 

Is a home inspection required by law? The short answer is no, home inspections are not required to be performed. But they are worth the money as it acts as a protection of the investment, as well as gives the buyer peace of mind regarding the true shape and condition of the house.  

What will the home inspector be looking for in the home? The inspector will be looking for any issues/problems that have to do with the home’s electrical system, plumbing, heating and cooling system, foundation, windows and doors, roof and more. 

What do I need to do to prepare for a home inspection? If you are in the process of selling your home or are thinking of selling your home in the future, we have listed three simple steps to help you prepare for a home inspection. First, about a month prior to the inspection, you should ensure all the paperwork is in order and start addressing the repairs you think need attention (these will be things you believe will be red flags to the inspector). Second, about a week before the inspection, you should start removing clutter and/or anything you feel may interfere with the inspector. Lastly, our third tip for you is to ensure the house is clean, light bulbs have been replaced and everyone (including pets) are removed from the home the day of the inspection. 

Looking to sell your home in Omaha, NE? Are you asking yourself what the benefits are to using a real estate agent for the home selling process? If you found yourself nodding in agreement to the previous questions, than today’s blog post is for you! Below we have listed a few of the benefits to working with a real estate agent when you are looking to sell your home.
1. The first benefit to using a real estate agent to sell your home is ensuring that you are listing your house at the right price from the start. A knowledgeable real estate agent will know and fully understand how your home compares to other comps in the area, and will be able to guide you on how to price your home to sell and appeal to buyers. 
2. The second benefit is that an agent will be able to guide you on the best ways to present your home to potential buyers. Do you need to declutter your master closet or rearrange the furniture in your living area? An experienced real estate agent will be able to point out things you can do to better stage your home.
3. Getting more buyer exposure is another great benefit to using a real estate agent. A good agent has a wide network and will be able to present your home listing to more potential buyers.  
4. Looking to receive multiple high offers on your home? As we all know, that is the ideal situation when looking to sell your house, and that is what you are likely to get when working with an experienced and knowledgeable real estate agent. 
5. The fifth benefit we have for you when working with a real estate agent is that they typically negotiate inspection results on your behalf, which enables you to sketch one more thing off your to-do-list!
6. Next, the right real estate agent with help to speed up the time it takes to close the deal. And let’s be honest, the process to sell your home can be stressful at times, so the quicker things close, the better for everyone.
7. Lastly, utilizing a real estate agent to sell your home makes it more likely that your home will sell at top dollar. 

Selling your home marks the end of one chapter, and the beginning of a new journey. And while this can be cause for a lot of celebration and excitement, there are also a few key items to keep in mind while you are in the process of selling your home. We have listed below a few common mistakes for you to avoid in hopes to keep the selling process as efficient and stress-free as possible! 

1. The first mistake to avoid is setting a price without doing proper research first. Don’t just go off of what other comps in the area have sold for in the past, as your ideal listing price can be affected by the time of year, current available inventory, and much more. 

2. On that same note, our next mistake to avoid is pricing your home too high off the bat. History and statistics have shown us that an overpriced listing produces fewer showings than others that are more accurately priced for the market. In addition, it has also been shown that homes sell closer to their asking amount if they are priced correctly at the start of the listing. 

3. Staying on the topic of price, our next mistake to avoid is using a strange listing price. You want to be sure to avoid listing prices such as $403,399. This may potentially cause you to miss out on quality, qualified buyers, especially if their search ranges from $300,000-$400,000. Just something to keep in mind. 

4. Many people think that just because they are not in a rush to sell their home that they can overprice their listing. The thought process here is that they can simply wait around for the right family to come along who is willing to pay the higher price point. This is not the best strategy as the longer your house sits on the market, the less likely you are to get showings and in return the more difficult it becomes to attain that higher asking price. 

5. A big mistake to avoid is getting emotionally involved in the selling process. We understand this may be difficult to do, but you have to keep in mind that this is a business transaction, and you should not take it personally if you get a low offer on your listing. View this as an opportunity to negotiate with the potential buyer to see if you can settle on a number that works for both parties. 

6. Even in the best seller’s market, you need to stay away from the mindset that the house will sell itself. Anytime a listing goes live, you need to ensure that the home is properly staged and marketed to ensure it is appealing to potential buyers. 

7. Finally, our last mistake to avoid is trying to sell your home on your own. Studies have shown that homes stay on the market longer and sell for about $39,000 less when people do not utilize a real estate agent during the sale of their house.

Things To Avoid When Listing Your Home To Sell

by Nancy Heim-berg

Are you looking to put your house on the market? If so, we know what a fun and exciting time this can be for you and your family. But, at times, the excitement can also be paired with a little anxiety as you navigate your way through the selling process. If you are finding yourself agreeing with the above sentences, then this is a blog post you don’t want to miss! Below we have listed a few things that you want to avoid when putting your house on the market, and we hope it brings a little insight and allows the selling process to be a little smoother for you.

The first thing you want to be sure to avoid when putting your home on the market is over-improving the space. We realize that most people think that the more money they invest into their home, the most likely they are to get a high return on their investment. And while there are instances where this is true, you want to be sure to avoid making changes that are hyper-specific to your wants, needs and personal taste. Updating things such as appliances, kitchen cabinets, finishing’s and light fixtures, as well as a fresh coat of paint, are always good things to invest in. But try to avoid turning your basement into a man cave or kids play room, as some potential buyers may look at the space and only see a massive remodel project and dollar signs.

Next, you want to be sure to not over-decorate your home in hopes to make it more appealing to potential buyers. Because in turn, you can actually make it look crowded and overdone. Buyers want to be able to see themselves living in the space with their personal items, and it will be difficult for them to do this if your home is filled corner to corner with your décor. Instead, do your best to clear out items that do not need to be in the room, leaving a fresh and clean area for potential buyers to view. Lastly, and this one may be obvious, but do not hang around when you know there is a showing. Buyers want to be able to talk openly, as well as see themselves moving in and living in the space, which can be hard for them to do if they see the current owners standing in the corner listening into the conversations. Also, there is always a chance that the showing may start early, so be sure to take grab the family and leave your home at least 20 minutes prior to when the showing is scheduled to take place.

Photography Tips To Help Sell Your Home

by Nancy Heim-berg

There are those that say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the world of real estate, a picture could be worth a few hundred-thousand dollars! More so now than ever, it is imperative to have high quality photos that show off all the wonderful qualities and features your home has to offer when listing your house online. Why is this such an important part of the selling process you ask? A few key reasons, but the main one being that many people are turning to the internet to look at homes in their desired area. And having quality photos that show off your home may be just the key to getting more showings and ultimately more offers. Just because many realtors will either take the photos themselves or bring in a professional team to capture the home does not mean that you do not play a key role in how the images can turn out.

There are a few key things that you can do to help the home photograph nicely. For one, you want to be sure to DE clutter and stage the home prior to anyone coming to take images. And while this may seem obvious, there are many people that think just tidying up will be good enough. But you want to be sure to take things out of rooms that may make them appear smaller, which in turn will make the area look spacious and open. Be sure to clear off as many surfaces as possible, paying close attention to your kitchen, bathroom and night tables. You also want to remove personal items such as family pictures, as you want the house to appear as a blank canvas to interested buyers and not make them feel like they are looking at a room of someone else’s house. It is important for buyers to be able to scroll through pictures online and image themselves living in the space.

Things to avoid when listing your house on the market

by Nancy Heim-berg

There are many things to do, rooms to DE clutter and improvements to make in the time leading up to your house actually being put on the market. We understand the stress and mile long to-do lists that seem never-ending. But this should also be a fun and exciting time for you and your family as you begin to close one chapter and open the next.  To help in the transition and stress of things you feel like you have to do, we have listed below a few things that you can take off your list and things you will want to avoid. We hope these help during this exciting and busy time!

The first thing you will want to avoid is the thought that you have to over-improve your home to get top dollar. While improvements such as replacing broken or cracked cabinets and updating appliances are always good, you want to avoid making hyper-specific improvements that match your taste and preference. What is an example of this? Well for one, turning your basement into a man cave, complete with a lifted stage and wet bar, may turn off the family of five who would use that space for a play room. All that family will see is a huge project to take on and a man cave to undo. So the lesson here: do not feel like you have to go above and beyond when it comes to improvements to the home. Sometimes less is more and keeping it simple is the best option.

Our next task to not do is along the same lines as above. You want to be sure to not over-decorate and keep the house as neutral as possible. This will ensure that the potential buyers can see their own items in the home, instead of trying to visualize against what you currently have. Third, which may seem pretty obvious to some people, is to not hang around the house when there are showings. We know how tempting it is to clean the house, dress the kids in their Sunday best and stand at the door with fresh made cookies to greet your potential buyers. But the fact of the matter is that most people want to be able to speak openly about the home and having you there may make them feel uncomfortable. So it is best to find some family fun activities to occupy your time during scheduled showings.

Lastly, you want to try your best to not take things personally. We understand that things can be emotional when it comes to selling your home, but it is best to keep your feelings neutral whenever you can. If you get feedback from your agent from a potential buyer not liking your decor, old carpets or quality of the home, it is always best to let the comments slide off your back. Same thing if you receive a low offer from a potential buyer – let it slide off your back. By not taking things personally, you will find yourself not stressing over the little things and enjoying the home selling process a bit more.

A Home Selling Checklist – Outdoors

by Nancy Heim-berg

As promised, we are continuing last week’s blog post with items outside the home to keep in mind during the selling process. Everything from the garage, backyard and exterior of the home should be organized and tidy to ensure buyers see the full potential of the home. We have listed a few items below in each category that we hope aid you in your selling process. Enjoy! 

-Pack any items away that you don’t use on a daily/weekly basis
-Repaint any areas that are dirty or has chipping
-Clean out and sweep garage so it looks nice and neat

-Clean, repaint or replace the front door if needed 
-Repaint the trim and exterior if necessary
-Sweep all patios, walkways, decks and porches
-Clean any stained or dirty concrete with a pressure washer
-If you have a deck with wood, re-staining it can make it look new and fresh
-Stage outdoor furniture to show how the space can be utilized
-Wash the windows inside and outside 
-Replace any rotten wood that is on the exterior of the home

-Cut down any plants or shrubs that block windows 
-Remove dead plants from the yard
-Freshly mow, edge and fertilize the lawn on a regular basis
-It is never a bad idea to incorporate fresh flowers for a little splash of color

Other items throughout the home to keep an eye on and replace/clean as needed include light switch covers, blinds, carpets, light bulbs, doors and door knobs, exterior and interior paint and AC/heater vents.  

A Home Selling Checklist – Indoors

by Nancy Heim-berg

Selling your home can seem like an overwhelming process, especially when you stop and think about all the little items that need to be completed to make the house ready and appealing to buyers. Knowing this, we wanted to help break some of these tasks down in hopes to ease your mind and make the process a little easier for you and your family. With that said, this week and next weeks’ blog topics are centered around items to keep in mind before the house goes on the market, as well as while the house is being shown. We are going to start this week with a checklist of everything you still need for the indoors. Enjoy!

-Make sure to organize the pantry so it looks neat and tidy 
-Clear off all items from the countertops 
-Clean the microwave, stove and oven
-Remove any magnets and pictures from the refrigerator doors 
-Put away and organize any cleaning products/mops/brooms
-Clean tile grout and be sure to bleach it if necessary 
-For showings, put away pet food and water dishes
-Make sure the garbage is empty prior to each showing

Living and Family Rooms:
-Make sure tables are clear of clutter
-Remove any furniture in the room that makes it feel small and closed off
-Put away any toys from children/dogs
-Incorporate decorative throws and pillows to make the space soft and inviting 

-Clear off any surfaces such as dressers and bedside tables
-Organize closets and keep closet doors closed
-Make beds everyday and invest in new linens if necessary 
-Repair any holes in the walls
-Keep floors clear and be sure to vacuum frequently 

-Make sure to keep out hand soap or a new bar of soap
-Make sure all surfaces are clear and clean
-Replace old hand towels with new decorative ones if necessary 
-If you have a shower curtain, make sure it looks fresh or purchase a new one
-Sanitize countertops and any moldy areas within the bathroom
-Organize countertops so they look neat and clean 
-Always keep toilet lids closed during showings 
-Make sure garbage cans are empty
-Replace caulking if necessary 

-Put away (or organize) any laundry soap and supplies
-Remove all clothing from the room (dirty or clean)
-Make sure floors are clear and clean – vacuum and mop frequently
-Keep all surfaces clear and clean 
-Since many laundry rooms do not have any natural light coming in, it may be a good idea to use high watt light bulbs to make it look brighter in the room

Displaying blog entries 41-50 of 57




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