What Does That Really Mean? Breaking Down Five Mortgage Closing Terms
Monday, May 13, 2019

1.) Down Payment – This phrase refers to the money a home buyer must provide up-front in order to secure the amount that is being borrowed. Additionally, to be approved for a home loan, most mortgage lenders require a cash down payment ranging from 3%-20%.
2.) Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) – Some home buyers will be required to pay private mortgage insurance when they take out a conventional home loan, typically if they are putting down less than 20% of the home’s value. This insurance is used as protection for lenders in case you end up in foreclosure.
3.) Annual Percentage Rate (APR) – APR is a broad measure of the cost you, as the borrower, of taking out a loan. It could refer to costs such as broker fees, interest rate, points, etc.
4.) Loan Estimate (LE) – The loan estimate refers to the details of the agreed upon terms of your loan, in addition to the estimated closing costs.
5.) Closing Costs – Both the buyer and the seller pay closing costs, and they can include things such as property fees, application fees, title insurance, title examination, attorney charges and settlement documents.